
How to Use Color to Accentuate Architectural Designs

Gama House / Studio ArquitectUras. Image © Julia Novoa

When organizing the elements, materials and colors of an architectural layout, architects can successfully guide users through a room and its different spaces, therefore creating an easy and seamless trajectory for those inhabiting it. By exploring innovative strategies to create new ways of arranging a space, architecture can use color to boost certain aspects of a project’s scheme. The use of color in architectural design combines different factors beyond aesthetic preferences by also affecting the user’s emotions and behavior. Before launching into the color selection, the design process entails certain decision making, such as which architectural elements to highlight, if there is a zonification or division of spaces within the use of colors, the creation of focal points, and the consideration of how each color is associated with a determined mood.

With a breakdown of five architecture projects, the following article analyzes how color is applied as a design strategy to define spaces through three categories: structure, elements and objects, and definition of spaces.

‘Color in certain places has the great value of making the outlines and structural planes seem more energetic’ – Antoni Gaudi

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